This third-year university project entailed the task of conceptualizing and showcasing a virtual hotel through a comprehensive video presentation. The assignment granted us ample creative freedom, unbounded by any constraints, allowing us to fully explore our imaginative capabilities. Moreover, we were required to provide a detailed elucidation of our concept and its practical applications.

In response, I devised a design that departed from traditional notions of permanence by proposing a novel approach: hotel “pods” that possessed no fixed location but instead accompanied the guests on their journeys. Essentially, these portable architectural structures offered a unique means of accommodation. I firmly believe that a hotel, as an entity, should epitomize an avenue for escape, meticulously selected to immerse visitors within an esteemed and cherished setting.

Virtual Hotel

  • Here we were told not to use physics and money as restraints, and instead create something we would like to create!

  • I went straight into SketchUp to design and build the little hotel pods, as well as the walkway. Through the use of SketchUp plug ins such as True Bend and Line Extruder, creating the curved dome became much more simple.

  • I then created a simple walkthrough of the virtual hotel to show how it could be “portable” in different virtual locations across the globe.

The Process:

University Project